Friday 18 September 2009

YEAR 12 PRELIMINARY [18th NOV - 24th Nov]

If you click the below link, you'll be able to view
[x] Our Preliminary Video
[x] Our Storyboard
          This is the general storyboard for our media task. It contains all the basic information such as the shot and general going ons in that shot. Please click the title for a full sized image or the smaller image above as both link straight to a larger version of the storyboard.

All I did for this was to make the storyboard on word, print screened it into photoshop and then saved it and uploaded it onto my photobucket. Then all I had to do was simply link it


Our short film ‘The break up’ was acted by Helena Webb and myself, and filmed by Kate Roby and Lizzie Morey. The basic plot line is about a break up of a couple at high school who break up after the boyfriend confessed to cheating on her, with a rather dramatic ending. The basic process for the project was to create a short part of a film, lasting a maximum of two minutes. We had to create two versions of a storyboard, encompassing all of the camera angles and action that would generally go on per shot. The first was a simple onto filming. This process only took us about an hor, but in that time we managed to create a good quality 30 second piece. We then edited them on an Apple Mac, before saving it into the hard-drive and uploaded them onto youtube and either embedded them or linked them straight from our blogs.
The entire process was full of both pros and cons. The biggest problem that we really faced was that over the issue of the macs and uploading our video to edit. We attempted to transfer the film from the camera, to a cd and then onto the mac to edit. So we spent a while trying to do this until we found out we could do it straight from the camera. Then our imaginations soared as we edited the video finding suitible music to create the mood we wanted. We went with rather dramatic music that over-dramatised our piece but it was really good! I also said my line really quiet because I was holding back laughter at the time, so I had to resist the temptation! Another problem we faced was that YouTube only accepts one copy of the video and so it meant we couldn't all upload that one video onto our own personal accounts. So we all linked from Helena Webbs YouTube. The pros were that the whole filming and editing elements all went really well and I am very pleased with the final piece as a whole. I think what I'm taking away with me through this project is just to be more confident with the equiptment as know I now I know that I am more then capable of using all of it, I prefer to be infront of the camera then behind it =D! If I could redo the Prelim. task, I dont really think I'd change anything apart from acting better in the video itself and try not to get distracted from the macs and my music and help my group more whilst editing.
I think overall though, the preliminary task went really well. I thought the whole situation was pretty hilarious and terribly cliche within any american film. I think my acting was rather appaling, despite the fact I love acting and do take theatre studies at A-Level. But apart from that, I'd evaluate the preliminary task as a good success because from this I learnt a huge variety of techniques which may later on deem themselves useful in the final piece

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